Putting Instructional DVD by Paul Wilson

putting instruction dvds
The Swing Machine 4 DVD Short Game Series relates all areas of the short game back to the Iron Bryon swing machine.   The series include all areas of the short game such as:

1.  Pitching

2.  Greenside Bunkers

3.  Chipping

4.  Putting

If you are looking to learn a great short game technique, the Swing Machine Golf Short Game DVD Series will not disappoint you.

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 Putting DVD Series - Testimonials

Hi Paul,

Just a quick note to say thank you for the Putting DVD and to say it's yet another masterpiece!
Brilliant in its simplicity! I watched it on Saturday and then went out on Sunday and shot 70 (-2) with only 26 putts! For the first time in my life I've realized that holing putts is easier when you only think of your target and not your stroke. You told me this last year in an e-mail but it has only dawned on me this weekend. The wiggle drill is fantastic and I demonstrated it to a friend on the practice green before we played by holing 6 six-footers in a row. He was speechless as you can imagine!
My main issue was that I was too hung up on my takeaway and was actually following the clubhead as I took it back and then adjusting mid-stroke if I wasn't happy. Now I just read the break, align the ball on the chosen line and hit it along that line. Simple!
Keep the DVDs coming!!


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